Call for Papers

The Electoral Regulation Forum is the flagship biennial event of the Electoral Regulation Research Network (ERRN), a ground-breaking collaboration established in 2012 to foster exchange and discussion amongst academics, electoral commissions and other interested groups concerning electoral regulation. Previously known as the ERRN Biennial Workshop, the Forum reflects three defining aspects of the Network:

  • a commitment to examine topics of significance and often of controversy to electoral regulation; 

  • to do so through diverse expert perspectives; and

  • situating the issues affecting Australia in a global and comparative context.

Date: Monday 2 and Tuesday 3 December 2024
Host: Melbourne Law School

Sessions & Topics for the 2024 Forum

  • Global Trends & the Super-Election Year

  • The 2023 Referendum

  • The Impact of AI

  • Representation and Inclusion in Elections

  •  Mis- and Dis-information

  •  Truth in Political Advertising

  • Political Communication

  • Political Financing

The 2024 Forum, hosted by Melbourne Law School, will feature 8 sessions across 2 days. We welcome abstract submissions on the topics listed below, from researchers and experts at all career levels, including doctoral researchers. We also welcome suggestions for additional topics.

Panels & Papers

Speakers invited to the Forum will be expected to present on their topic of choice for approximately 10 minutes.

Speakers are not required to prepare a full paper but are welcome to produce a full text for publication as part of the ERRN Working Paper series.

Flights & Accommodation

ERRN will cover the cost of flights and accommodation for interstate applicants invited to the Forum.


Please send your submission to by Friday 4 October 2024.

In your submission, please include:

  • Name

  • Institutional Affiliation (Note: this call is open to practitioners as well as academics)

  • Topic 

  • Title

  • Abstract (max. 150 words)